• Travel

    Best places to hangout at night in Ottawa, Canada

    Whether it’s summer or winter in Canada, one place where you can have all the fun is Ottawa Best place to plan a trip for your next long weekend. Ottawa has a lot to offer when it comes having fun with your besties. There are varieties of pubs and bars where you can enjoy the best cocktails with some music and dance. Let me show you which places I chose for bar hopping night. 1) Lil Z’s Pizza This pizza place is located in Downtown, Ottawa where you can try red or white pizza with your choice of toppings and sauces. I would recommend trying the one available on their…

  • Travel

    A weekend trip to Montreal, Canada

    Planning a trip is not at all a small task and it gets harder when you are going with your whole gang. Since this last winter i wanted to go to Montreal and Quebec City, but as it is little far from Toronto, we were waiting for the right time. Who doesn’t know that there is no best time other than the summer in Canada. In this busy schedule where everyday you are going to 9 to 5 job, it is tough to take an extra day off, so we all decided to go on the Canada Day long weekend. How did we get to the Montreal? We left Toronto…