Is it just about getting a hair color or getting a whole new “you” ?
Hello to all the lovely people out there, I want to share my experience about going from black hair to blonde hair. Getting a hair color is what every girl wants, but not all of them could make it. Because we are always stuck with other’s judgements. Even me, too. I have been thinking since one year that I should get something different done to my hair. But I went on thinking. One day I was like , whatever happens later, but now I will go for it. Well, I know hair color damages the hair and all , but would you care about it when you would be sitting…
22 Things to do during Quarantine
I hope everyone is safe and staying at home. In this quarantine rather than doing nothing at home i have so many things to share with you all , which you can do at home. Checkout my video on my YouTube channel BeboldAlex by Anjali about 22 things to do during quarantine. Let me know in the comment section what you are doing at home? Thank you.
Make your day-off healthy and peaceful
Who doesn’t love a day-off ! Checkout how i spent my day off with my you tube video. Also i have here a healthy breakfast recipe for all the berry lovers. Keep your day off creative and healthy , while you could enjoy yourself. Berry Smoothie Bowl recipe You would need : 1 Banana Mixed Berries ( frozen) A small cup of milk Your favorite dry fruits Grind berries in a mixture and add small amount of milk and mix it again. Do not mix it too much as we want a thick paste kind of structure. Add sugar if you want to make it a bit sweeter. At last…